Biblical Insights

The discovery that some Psalms describe situations that are clearly about experiences of trauma opened my eyes to the possibility that trauma was a feature in other parts of the Bible.  

Trauma and trauma healing truly are recurring themes throughout Scripture, though descriptions are often couched in language that may not immediately reflect that understanding.  Some of these stories will be made available here.

Judah – Redemption and recovery from the devastation of sin and shame (Genesis 38, 44)

I had a ‘light bulb’ moment when studying Genesis and came to chapter 38. It contains an unsavoury story of Joseph’s brother Judah that interrupts Joseph’s saga and is definitely not one to be shared in Sunday School. However, having learned something about trauma healing and the effects that trauma has, I was able to see why Judah could not stand living with his father’s grief at the ‘death’ of Joseph and especially with his guilt about the part he had had in the loss. He made such a break from his family they likely would not want him back! Yet some 20 years later (chapter 44) circumstances changed and Judah had the chance of redemption. He took it and ended his life with honour in his father’s death bed blessings. In a story we would now describe as an illustration of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or just plain sin associated with family dysfunction, jealously and self-centredness, we see Yahweh redeeming the broken, wounded and sinful and providing healing and acceptance, restoration and honour. Insights from trauma healing ministry had totally changed my understanding of this story about Judah.

Michal – A life of unresolved traumatic experiences (1Samuel 14 – 2 Samuel 6)

Michal was King Saul’s second daughter who became David’s first wife. She appears on a few occasions in the biblical narrative but only briefly, so little is known of  her except for her outburst of angry disgust at David’s exuberant worship as the Worship Tent was set up in Jerusalem. However, all is not as it may first appear as there is evidence that suggests that her outburst is probably a reaction to the appalling treatment she had received, primarily at David’s hands, throughout their relationship.

Jonah – and his constrained anger and frustration (2 Kings 14, Jonah)

The book of Jonah is included among the ‘Prophets’ but it is unlike all the others as it is not about the prophet’s message but about his character and the strange way Yahweh responded to his aggressive rebelliousness. I wonder if it will be better understood if the book is seen as a description of severe traumatic experiences.

Theology of trauma healing

This paper explores the hypothesis that trauma healing is an aspect of salvation that relates to the time between conversion and the end of life.

Written: 21 November 2023

Published: 28 November 2023